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Telfor Journal Vol.3 No.2
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Telfor Journal Vol.4 No.2
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Telfor Journal Vol.5 No.2
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Telfor Journal Vol.6 No.2
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Telfor Journal Vol.7 No.2
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Telfor Journal Vol.8 No.2
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Telfor Journal Vol.9 No.2
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Telfor Journal Vol.10 No.2
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Telfor Journal Vol.11 No.2
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Telfor Journal Vol.12 No.2
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Telfor Journal Vol.13 No.2
Telfor Journal Vol.14 No.1
Telfor Journal Vol.14 No.2
Telfor Journal Vol.15 No.1
Telfor Journal Vol.15 No.2
Telfor Journal Vol.16 No.1
Telfor Journal Vol.16 No.2
Publication ethics and malpractice statement
Publication and authorship
The Telfor Journal accepts for publishing original contributions of the authors.
Plagiarism is strictly forbidden and when discovered will be disclosed and punished.
If a part of the previously published work is included in the article, authors are obliged to provide written permission of the copyright holder.
The paper submitted to the TELFOR Journal should not be under consideration in any other journal or conference.
Submitted articles should contain the list of references and information concerning the financial support
Authors’ responsibilities
Authors are requested to submit only those papers that have not been submitted, accepted, published or copyrighted elsewhere.
It is expected that all persons named as the authors of the submitted article have significantly contributed to the research.
The submitted papers should contain original scientific, expert or applied results of the authors themselves.
Authors guarantee that all data in the article are real and authentic.
Authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process.
It is a duty of all the authors to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.
The results included in the paper should in no way violate the rights of other authors or organizations.
Pear review / responsibilities for the reviewers
Judgements of the reviewers should be objective and guided by the scientific criteria only.
The reviewers should not have any conflict of interest with respect to the research, authors, and/or founders.
A reviewer should point out relevant publications that are not cited in the article.
A reviewer should treat confidentially articles assigned to review.
Editorial responsibilities
The Editor’s responsibility is to decide about acceptance/ rejection of an article. The decision should be based on the opinions of reviewers, on the recommendation of the Associate Editor, and on his/ her judgement. Editors should have no conflict of interest regarding articles they decide on.
The decision should be based on the scientific value of the article only without any influence of non-scientific issues.
If the authors discover some mistakes in their already published article, Editor will provide publishing of the corrections submitted by the authors.
In the event of complaints of an ethical or conflict nature, Editor adopts and follows a reasonable procedure in accordance with the best practice. Editor gives an opportunity to the authors to respond to any complaints.
It is the Editor’s responsibility to preserve the anonymity of reviewers.
Publishing ethics issues
Publication ethics is among the basic postulates of the TELFOR Journal publishing policy and is monitored/ safeguarded by the Editorial Board.
The intellectual and ethical standards are of the primary importance for the TELFOR Journal and as such are excluded from compromising with any business needs.
The TELFOR Journal publishes corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.
Plagiarism and fraudulent data are strictly forbidden and will be punished when discovered.
When plagiarism is identified in a published paper
In the case of identified plagiarism in an already published paper, the authors should be given the opportunity of response.
The paper for which plagiarism is identified should be withdrawn, and a formal notice explaining the case of plagiarism will be published in the TELFOR Journal.
If plagiarism is identified, a five (5) years embargo for publishing in the TELFOR Journal should be imposed to the authors. The same embargo should be applied for the TELFOR conference.