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Telfor Journal Vol.5 No.2 (2013)
Prof. Dr Đorđe Paunović
Frequency Offset Influence on MDPSK Signal Reception in Fading Channel
S. N. Stošović, B. R. Dimitrijević, N. D. Milošević, and Z. B. Nikolić
Communication Theory
The symbol error probability of M-ary differential phase shift keying (MDPSK) receiver, in the presence of carrier frequency offset, is analysed in this paper. The paper proposes a novel multiple symbol differential detection (MSDD) receiver. The influence of various receiver’s parameters on the error probability is analysed. The theoretical symbol error probability is derived and compared to the Monte-Carlo simulation results, for an AWGN channel. The analysis shows a good agreement between the theoretical and simulation results. The influence of the frequency offset in the Rician fading channel, using Monte-Carlo simulation, is also considered for the same receiver’s parameters as in the AWGN channel. Simulation results show good system performances in the case of Rician fading channel, also.
Adaptive signal processing; Differential phase shift keying; Frequency offset; Multiple-symbol differential detection, Rician fading channel.
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Frequency Offset Influence on MDPSK Signal Reception in Fading Channel
Influence of Frequency Offset on Modified EGC Diversity Receiver
B. Z. Nikolić, B. R. Dimitrijević, N. D. Milošević, and G. T. Đorđević
Communication Theory
In this paper a performance analysis of a modified M-ary phase-shift-keying (MPSK) signal diversity receiver with a predetection equal gain combiner (EGC) will be presented. The modification is in introducing a structure that performs the estimation with remodulation (ER). The EGC combining is realized by using a constant modulus algorithm (CMA). The influence of carrier frequency offset, length of ER structure and other parameters of the receiver will be examined.
Constant modulus algorithm, diversity, estimation with remodulation, frequency offset, phase-locked loop.
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Influence of Frequency Offset on Modified EGC Diversity Receiver
Performance Analysis of Iterative Decoding Algorithms for PEG LDPC Codes in Nakagami Fading Channels
O. Al Rasheed, D. M. Radović, and P. N. Ivaniš
Communication Theory
In this paper we give a comparative analysis of decoding algorithms of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes in a channel with the Nakagami distribution of the fading envelope. We consider the Progressive Edge-Growth (PEG) method and Improved PEG method for the parity check matrix construction, which can be used to avoid short girths, small trapping sets and a high level of error floor. A comparative analysis of several classes of LDPC codes in various propagation conditions and decoded using different decoding algorithms is also presented.
Progressive edge-growth, extrinsic message degree, Belief propagation, Nakagami fading, trapping sets, Gradient Descent Bit-Flipping.
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Performance Analysis of Iterative Decoding Algorithms for PEG LDPC Codes in Nakagami Fading Channels
Application of Neural Networks in Whispered Speech Recognition
Đ. T. Grozdić, B. Marković, J. Galić, and S. T. Jovičić
Signal Processing
This paper presents the preliminary results of experimental research of whispered speech recognition that was based on the application of artificial neural networks (ANN). The paper also describes a speech database of words that were spoken in a whisper and normal manner, which was created especially for this study. A part of this database was used for preliminary training and testing of the ANN. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) in normal speech and whispered speech were used as an input to the ANN. The case of speaker dependent recognition was tested and ANNs with optimal topologies have a 97.98% accuracy in speech recognition and 96.21% in whisper recognition for a male speaker. The results for a female speaker were very similar. In the case of whisper recognition, when ANN was trained for normal speech the score of whisper recognition was 75.71% for a male speaker (82.14% for female), and vice versa, when ANN was trained for whisper, normal speech recognition was 82.14% for a male speaker (90% for female).
Neural networks, speech recognition, whisper recognition, whispered speech database.
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Application of Neural Networks in Whispered Speech Recognition
Approximately Liner Phase IIR Digital Filter Banks
J. D. Ćertić, M. D. Lutovac, and L. D. Milić
Signal Processing
In this paper, uniform and nonuniform digital filter banks based on approximately linear phase IIR filters and frequency response masking technique (FRM) are presented. Both filter banks are realized as a connection of an interpolated half-band approximately linear phase IIR filter as a first stage of the FRM design and an appropriate number of masking filters. The masking filters are half-band IIR filters with an approximately linear phase. The resulting IIR filter banks are compared with linear-phase FIR filter banks exhibiting similar magnitude responses. The effects of coefficient quantization are analyzed.
approximately linear phase IIR filters, FRM, non-uniform filter bank, uniform filter bank.
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Approximately Liner Phase IIR Digital Filter Banks
Non-Stationary Two-Dimensional Subband Transformer Filters
V. Čeperković and M. Prokin
Signal Processing
State-of-the-art two-dimensional subband transformation based compression methods typically require large memory size and memory bus bandwidth. This paper discloses a novel method for reducing both shortcomings, and even provides compression or decompression from the cache memory. This solution can be implemented either in software or hardware or their combination, as a front stage in either lossless or lossy image encoder or a back stage in either lossless or lossy image decoder.
Image compression, subband transformation, non-stationary filters.
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Non-Stationary Two-Dimensional Subband Transformer Filters
High-quality Crystal Filter – Design and Realization
D. M. Dujković, S. Dedić Nešić, L. Grubišić, A. Gavrovska, and I. Reljin
Signal Processing
Analog oscillators and filters are still very important devices in modern telecommunication and measurement equipment. Quartz crystal units are used for high-quality oscillators and filters, due to their extremely stable resonant frequency and Q-factor. In this paper the design and realization of a high-quality bandpass quartz crystal filter with a possible application to antenna circuitry is described.
Crystal units, crystal filters, filter design, filter realization, communications, digital communications.
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High-quality Crystal Filter – Design and Realization
Morphological and Median Adaptive Filters Based on LCBP Rank Filter
D. Prokin and M. Prokin
Signal Processing
The presented median and morphological (min and max) filters based on low complexity bit-pipeline (LCBP) rank filter provide reduced complexity of required processing hardware, due to similar pipeline stages and the complete absence of sorting networks in comparison with other solutions. FPGA realization of bit-pipeline median and morphological filter and adaptive bit-pipeline rank filter according to this paper provides significantly higher maximum operating frequency and much smaller used chip resources in comparison with state-of-the-art sorting methods.
Median filters, morphological filters, adaptive filters, pipeline processing, FPGA implementation.
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Morphological and Median Adaptive Filters Based on LCBP Rank Filter
Color Multifocus Image Fusion Using Empirical Mode Decomposition
S. Savić and Z. Babić
Signal Processing
In this paper, a recently proposed grayscale multifocus image fusion method based on the first level of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) has been extended to color images. In addition, this paper deals with low contrast multifocus image fusion. The major advantages of the proposed methods are simplicity, absence of artifacts and control of contrast, while this isn’t the case with other pyramidal multifocus fusion methods. The efficiency of the proposed method is tested subjectively and with a vector gradient based objective measure, that is proposed in this paper for multifocus color image fusion. Subjective analysis performed on a multifocus image dataset has shown its superiority to the existing EMD and DWT based methods. The objective measures of grayscale and color image fusion show significantly better scores for this method than for the classic complex EMD fusion method.
Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), image fusion, multifocus, low contrast.
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Color Multifocus Image Fusion Using Empirical Mode Decomposition
Laboratory Experimental System for Examination of Acoustic Emission Generated by Partial Discharges
I. M. Salom, V. V. Čelebić, J. J. Gajica, N. M. Kartalović, M. M. Mijić, V. V. Sekulić, and M. I. Radulović
One of the major causes of transformer failures is dielectric breakdown. Partial discharges cause gradual insulation degradation thus partial discharge activity monitoring provides transformer state insight. This paper gives an overview of common methods for partial discharges detection and source location in transformers, with a special reference to the acoustic method as an noninvasive and interference resistant method suitable for application. For laboratory testing a laboratory experimental system for partial discharge diagnostics using acoustic emission measurement was developed.
Acoustic emission, partial discharges, online measurement, diagnostics, transformers.
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Laboratory Experimental System for Examination of Acoustic Emission Generated by Partial Discharges
Sound Generating Mechanism of the Double Bass
F. Pantelić and J. Prezelj
This paper deals with the mechanical properties of the double bass and double bass bow. The sound of the instrument, as well as the vibrations of the bow, were recorded while playing. The sound was recorded with a microphone, while a sensor, placed on the bow’s stick, registered its vibrations. By observing these signals, from double bass and bow, the correlation between them was determined in order to explain the bow-string mechanism.
bow, double bass, stick-slip effect, vibrations, sound.
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Sound Generating Mechanism of the Double Bass
Analysis of Reverberation Time Field Measurement Results in Building Acoustics
D. Mašović and M. Öğüç
Sound level difference between two rooms depends on both sound reduction between the rooms and their acoustical properties, such as the absorption in the receiving room. In order to abstract the influence of the rooms and assess only the sound reduction between them, relevant building acoustics standards offer two ways of normalizing a measured sound level difference – according to the reverberation time and the equivalent sound absorption area in the receiving room. In both cases measurement procedure requires reverberation time measurements in the receiving room, from which the equivalent sound absorption area can be assessed using Sabine’s formula. This paper analyses more than 300 results of reverberation time field measurements and provides an insight into its typical values in buildings. The measurements are done by five teams of building acoustics engineers, mostly involved in the international EU COST Action TU0901. The results are gathered in a unique database as a part of the STSM (Short Term Scientific Mission).
building acoustics, equivalent sound absorption area, field measurements, reverberation time.
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Analysis of Reverberation Time Field Measurement Results in Building Acoustics
An Implementation of Optical Transponder and Media Converter Unit for Speeds up to 2.5 Gbps
N. Jovalekić, P. Mićović, and J. Popović-Božović
Applied Electronics
The paper presents the implementation of protocol agnostic optical transponder and media converter unit for speeds up to 2.5 Gbps. Detailed depiction of the implementation is given, including hardware design issues, as well as the signal integrity solutions. In addition, the design implemented in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chip is discussed. On the other hand, embedded software implementation is explained, as well as the interface to the network management software that executes on a PC. Finally, strategy for the verification of the unit functionalities at the end of the development stage is given, and results are presented.
Media converter, optical transponder, optical transport systems, signal integrity.
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An Implementation of Optical Transponder and Media Converter Unit for Speeds up to 2.5 Gbps
New Neural Procedure for Extraction of Parameters of Microwave FET Noise Models
N. Ivković, Z. Marinković, O. Pronić-Rančić, and V. Marković
Applied Electronics
A neural netwok based procedure for extraction of parameters of microwave FET noise models is proposed in this paper. The procedure is illustrated on the Pospieszalski’s noise model. A neural network is trained to predict the equivalent drain noise temperature for given values of the intrinsic circuit elements, intrinsic noise parameters, ambient temperature and frequency. In this way, the repeated extraction procedures in microwave circuit simulators are avoided. The presented approach is validated on a specific HEMT device noise modeling. The results are compared with the results obtained for the model parameters extracted by using the standard optimization based extraction procedures.
Artifcial neural networks, equivalent noise temperatures, HEMT, MESFET, noise model.
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New Neural Procedure for Extraction of Parameters of Microwave FET Noise Models
Omnidirectional Antenna with Multi-Resonance Performance for Microwave Imaging Systems
N. Ojaroudi, M. Ojaroudi, F. Geran, and S. Amiri
Applied Electromagnetics
In this paper, a novel ultra-wideband printed monopole antenna (PMA) for microwave imaging systems is presented. The proposed antenna provides a wide usable fractional bandwidth of more than 160% (2.12-17.87 GHz). The antenna has an ordinary square radiating patch, therefore displays a good omni-directional radiation pattern even at higher frequencies and also its radiation efficiency is greater than 82% across the entire radiating band. The designed antenna has a small size of 12×18 mm2.
Microstrip-fed antenna, microwave imaging systems, multi-resonance performance.
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Omnidirectional Antenna with Multi-Resonance Performance for Microwave Imaging Systems
Design and Efficiency Analysis of one Class of Uniform Linear Phase FIR Filter Banks
R. D. Pantić
Signal Processing (Student Paper)
One class of uniform linear phase filter banks with different numbers of band-pass channels will be considered in this study, concentrating on 5, 9 and 17-band filter banks and their mutual comparison concerning delay and implementation complexity. Designed banks are based on the FIR filters and frequency response masking technique and are also compared to the banks with direct realization considering complementarity and delay.
FIR filters, interpolation, uniform filter banks, FRM.
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Design and Efficiency Analysis of one Class of Uniform Linear Phase FIR Filter Banks